Mission and Vision


            The goal of our Faculty is to provide a well-balanced and challenging curriculum implemented in a way to enable the students to acquire a solid educational background. The faculty also aims to provide the students the capacity for critical thinking, and hence for exploration and independent research. The Faculty of Sciences offers programmess leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. There are minor and double major programs for students who prefer to pursue a more interdisciplinary approach in their studies. In addition, all four departments offer masters and doctoral programmes through the Institute of Natural Sciences for those wishing to pursue graduate work, Our faculty also offers students international academic opportunities within the scope of the Erasmus/Socrates and Mevlana and national opportunities within Farabi exchange programmes. There are the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) equivalences of the courses offered in the curriculum of each department.


              To educate students as well-equipped individuals, paying attention to ethic values, kwoning how to reach up-to-date information To ensure its students to graduate as creative, problem solving, decision makin and critical thinking individuals. To provide formal quality education in Science in order to prepare students for careers in their fields. To provide students with the opportunity for personal development to enable them to achieve their potential and to relate to other people engaged in the broad field of Science. To be ranked, in near future among the first ten universities in Turkey our country with our rapidly increasing number of publications in international citation indexes and scientific activities. To promote and develop basic and applied research in the various science disciplines of the faculty and to establish national and international linkages.

This content was issued on 07.02.2014 and has been viewed for 2947 times.